Natural Alternatives To Surgery For Dog Lipomas –
Natural Alternatives To Surgery For Dog Lipomas

Natural Alternatives To Surgery For Dog Lipomas

A lipoma is a growth of fat cells contained in a thin capsule, usually found just below the skin. They’re often referred to as fatty tumors. 

Lipomas are most often found on the torso, neck, upper legs and armpits, but they can occur almost anywhere. Lipomas are the most common noncancerous soft tissue growth, especially in older dogs. 

I’ve been observing lipomas on dogs for 40 years and I’ve made some observations I’d like to share with you.

Lipomas And The Immune System

First of all, I want to make it clear that these growths are a sign of chronic disease and not an acute issue. Lipomas are the body’s way of ridding itself of toxins and other unwanted material. But because the body is out of balance, it can’t remove toxins through normal channels such as the …

  • Kidneys
  • Liver 
  • Intestines

When the endocrine and immune systems aren’t functioning at full capacity, the body does the next best thing. It tries to encapsulate toxins and remove them through the largest excretory organ of the body: the skin.

RELATED: Boost your dog’s immune system …

Lipomas and other fatty tumors are like a lump of dirt that you would sweep under the rug when you don’t know what else to do with it.

In the US, statistics show that 1.7 million dogs have treatment for lipomas every year. And this doesn’t include all the other lumps and bumps that appear on dogs as they reach middle age or older. 

I’m certain that the US spends close to a billion dollars or more on the treatment of lumps on dogs each year. But I don’t recommend surgical removal unless the lipoma is threatening the life of the dog.

For every one of these bumps that get removed, more will return. As a surgeon for 25 years, I saw how removing one lump resulted in many lumps appearing later on in the dog’s life. 

This is because surgery removes only the tip of the iceberg. Surgery will do nothing to address the toxins causing the fatty tumor. And it will leave scar tissue behind, which blocks the point of discharge the body needs to release those toxins.

Once the scar tissue forms, the toxins feeding the tumor go deeper into the patient’s body. And this causes damage to deeper organs and organ systems.

Once present, lipomas are difficult to treat so prevention is the best approach.

RELATED: Detox your dog’s system with chlorella …

What Causes Lipomas In Dogs

In my experience, there are 3 key contributors to lipomas in dogs. 

1. Poor Diet

Carbohydrates, preservatives and other toxins in processed foods contribute to fatty tumor growth. Water is also an important part of your dog’s diet and you should avoid tap water. It can contain chemicals, which can damage your dog’s thyroid and upset his endocrine system.

2. Drugs and Chemicals

The products used on dogs to control fleas, ticks, and worms are not only toxic to insects and parasites. They’re also toxic to your dog. And there are natural and effective ways to control these internal pests without toxic residue.

Vaccines and other pharmaceutical products are also loaded with contaminants. You should avoid them whenever you can. 

3. Environment

Your dog’s environment is a major source of toxins, especially if properties in your area use pesticides. In the spring and summer, the pest trucks are everywhere, spraying poisons to kill ants, fleas, ticks and everything else in their path. I recommend you never use any of these products in your home or yard – ever.

As for the bugs, they’re supposed to be there so, for the sake of our environment, leave them alone.

When you walk your dog in parks or areas that likely use pesticides, wash your dog’s feet off with soap and water when you get home. This will help to prevent him from licking or absorbing the toxins through the pads of his paws.

RELATED: Avoid these common immune stressors …

By focusing on improving these three areas of your dog’s life you can help prevent lipomas. But what do you do if your dog has already developed a lipoma?

How To Shrink Your Dog’s Lipoma 

My choice of treatment for fatty tumors is to first stop supplementing the toxins by avoiding those mentioned above.

Next, you must help your dog to remove any existing toxins and aid his body in its detoxification and healing process.

I recommend a natural diet, filtered water, no drugs, chemicals, pesticides or vaccines on or around my patients. Treatment choices include …

  • Classical homeopathy
  • Gemmotherapy
  • Aromatherapy
  • Bovine colostrum
  • Fatty acid supplementation
  • Glandulars

All these modalities will complement the body’s healing capacity.

Remember that surgery is a suppressive treatment and will only drive the toxins and disease deeper into the patient. You should only use it as a last resort in any dog, no matter what issue you’re dealing with.
